Monday, November 29, 2010

Climate change could bring sudden drought to La Paz

As the world warms, scientists expect some ecosystems to gradually migrate up slopes, essentially chasing environmental conditions they need to thrive.

But according to recent research on the historical ecology of the Andes conducted in part by a Westfield State University assistant professor, those steady changes can reach a tipping point in some cases that flips local ecosystems on their head.

The scientists examined fossilized pollen in Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest elevation great lake on the border of Peru and Bolivia, which allowed them to look 370,000 years back in time. They found that in two periods of past warming, the lake shrank by as much as 85 percent, and switched the grassland ecosystem into desert.

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe- Green Blog posted by Beth Daley

Green Your Kids' School: Waste-Free Lunches

Do you see a lot of waste going on at your children’s schools? This week’s tips are about how to help green your local educational institutions.

starting a waste-free lunch program at your children’s schools to help make trash reduction a priority. On a personal level, avoid resorting to disposables such as plastic bags and paper juice boxes. Instead, choose reusable items. Check out the EPA's handy guide (PDF) for committing to cleaner lunches, cleaner campuses, and a cleaner planet for your kids. 
Article courtesy of The Green Life (

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

U.S. Must Fight Its Oil Habits and Price Vulnerability with Efficient Cars, Transit, and Balanced Transportation Outlays

In an unprecedented collaboration between two federal agencies, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) jointly awarded nearly $68 million to help stimulate a new generation of sustainable and livable communities that connect housing, employment and economic development with transportation and other infrastructure improvements. The joint HUD-DOT funding will support 62 local and regional partnerships seeking to create a more holistic and integrated approach to connecting affordable housing, job opportunities and transportation corridors.
Article courtesy of Smart Growth

Cross Country Bicycle Network

The U.S. Bicycle Route System is a new project that will connect many of the existing (and envisioned) bicycle routes around the country into an official, national network of cycling routes, linked coast-to-coast across state lines. The project was endorsed by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood.
Article courtesy of Smart Growth Network

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

DOT- Much More Than Roads and Bridges

Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood stated in a Grist Magazine interview that “once politicians begin to listen to their constituents, they will realize a sustainable course is what voters want. They will find constituents way ahead on livability and sustainability, on having cleaner, greener communities, on having walking and biking paths, on having streetcar systems.”
Article courtesy of Smart Growth Network

Smart Mobility for a 21st Century America

A new report on smarter transportation proposes how existing and emerging technologies can squeeze more capacity from over-burdened highways, help commuters avoid traffic delays, and expand and improve transportation options, all while saving money and creating jobs. Many of these smart transportation solutions are already fueling innovation throughout the country. The report proposes that establishing national targets for reducing congestion and emissions through programmatic changes and funding incentives would accelerate the development and implementation of new technologies.   


Article courtesy of Smart Growth Network