Tuesday, April 12, 2011

For Japan, Chernobyl may hint at future

CHERNOBYL, Ukraine — Forbidding under a cold, gray sky, the dead atomic power plant here is a living enterprise.

The explosion that struck 25 years ago, in the world’s worst nuclear accident, set in motion a major undertaking that today bears on the life of the entire country. It is a model, or a warning, for what could await Japan. The crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant will at some point be contained — but then there begins a national project from which there is no exit strategy. Read more:  http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/green/articles/2011/04/10/in_chernobyl_a_hint_of_what_the_future_may_hold_for_japan/

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe-Green Blog by Wil Englund/ Washington Post