Monday, December 20, 2010

Total lunar eclipse visible Monday night

A total eclipse of the moon will be visible throughout North and Central America from 11:41 p.m. PST Monday until 12:53 a.m. Tuesday, the first such eclipse in almost three years.

Weather permitting, observers will see the moon enter the Earth's inner shadow, or umbra, at 10:33 p.m., with a red-brown shadow creeping across the bright moon. This shadow has a curved edge, a fact that was taken as proof to at least some ancients that the Earth is round. The sky will get darker as the shadow progresses across the moon, and more stars will be visible as sunlight reflected from the moon fades.

The total phase of the eclipse will last 72 minutes, then the moon will begin to emerge from the umbra, coming totally out of the inner shadow at 2:01 a.m.
Article courtesy of the Los Angeles Times by Thomas H. Haugh II

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cold-Weather Comforts: Give a Coat

Rather than throwing out an old winter coat, or even just dropping it off at the local thrift store, try giving it to someone who really needs it. The national project One Warm Coat is a good place to start if you're interested in simultaneously sparing a landfill and clothing a neighbor.

Article courtesy of The Green Life (


Monday, December 13, 2010

The oceans' SOS

The planet's great communal resource provides protein sources and oxygen and is used for transportation, recreation and inspiration. It's time to put it at the center of the climate change discussion.

The ocean is our global heat reservoir and one of two major carbon dioxide sinks. If you agree that humans are trapping heat and carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere — and 53 years of rigorous observations at Scripps and other research institutions show that we are — then the ocean must be at the very center of the climate discussion. But it rarely is.
Read more:,0,956649.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29

Article courtesy of Los Angeles Times by Tony Haymet and Andrew Dickson

Folic acid levels are high enough in most people -- except the right people

Folic acid has been added to grain products for more than a decade in order to boost intake among women of reproductive age. The supplementation was endorsed after studies showed adequate levels of folic acid are necessary to prevent spinal cord defects and other birth defects. But a new study suggests everyone except reproductive age women are getting plenty of the nutrient.   Read more :,0,7281493.story
Article courtesy of Los Angeles Times By Shari Roan

New England turbine project may dwarf Cape Wind

A larger and more expensive wind farm than the controversial Cape Wind project is proposed for an area off the coasts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Deepwater Wind, which has previously proposed building up to eight turbines, yesterday unveiled ambitious plans to build as many as 200 turbines in deep federal waters south of the two states.

The $4 billion to $5 billion project, which needs both federal and state approvals, would be located about 15 miles southwest of Martha’s Vineyard and 15 miles southeast of Block Island. Read more

Article courtesy of the Boston Herald by Jay Fitzgerald

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

At Patriots' stadium, home team looks out for the environment

From the time visitors park at Gillette Stadium until they leave, the signs of environmental awareness are everywhere.Recycling bags are handed out at the parking lot.In and around the stadium, solar-powered compactors collect plastic bottles and cans.The toilets are flushed with water that has been recycled at the stadium’s own waste-water treatment plant.Some of the electricity for New England Patriots and New England Revolution games is generated by wind turbines in the Midwest

Read more

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe by Michele Morgan Bolton

Proposed wind farm between RI and Mass. doubles in size

A proposed wind farm almost 14 miles off Martha’s Vineyard has doubled in size to 200 turbines, making it the largest proposed offshore wind farm in the U.S., according to its developers.

Deepwater Wind announced its plans this morning to build 50 turbines in federal waters between Rhode Island and Massachusetts and another 150 turbines about 25 miles from both states. The turbines would be barely visible from land, the developers say.

To read more

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe –Green Blog posted by Beth Daley



Thursday, December 2, 2010

Don't Get Burned by Petroleum-Green Your Holidays: Candles

Whether you're celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or all of them, this week's tips will help you lessen your impact while you increase your joy.

If you're preparing to light a menorah tomorrow or stocking up on candles for Kwanzaa later this month, look for eco-friendly candles made from soy or beeswax instead of petroleum-derived paraffin. For better air quality, opt for unscented varieties. Keep wicks short to get more life out of your candles.

Article courtesy of The Green Life (


Monday, November 29, 2010

Climate change could bring sudden drought to La Paz

As the world warms, scientists expect some ecosystems to gradually migrate up slopes, essentially chasing environmental conditions they need to thrive.

But according to recent research on the historical ecology of the Andes conducted in part by a Westfield State University assistant professor, those steady changes can reach a tipping point in some cases that flips local ecosystems on their head.

The scientists examined fossilized pollen in Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest elevation great lake on the border of Peru and Bolivia, which allowed them to look 370,000 years back in time. They found that in two periods of past warming, the lake shrank by as much as 85 percent, and switched the grassland ecosystem into desert.

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe- Green Blog posted by Beth Daley

Green Your Kids' School: Waste-Free Lunches

Do you see a lot of waste going on at your children’s schools? This week’s tips are about how to help green your local educational institutions.

starting a waste-free lunch program at your children’s schools to help make trash reduction a priority. On a personal level, avoid resorting to disposables such as plastic bags and paper juice boxes. Instead, choose reusable items. Check out the EPA's handy guide (PDF) for committing to cleaner lunches, cleaner campuses, and a cleaner planet for your kids. 
Article courtesy of The Green Life (

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

U.S. Must Fight Its Oil Habits and Price Vulnerability with Efficient Cars, Transit, and Balanced Transportation Outlays

In an unprecedented collaboration between two federal agencies, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) jointly awarded nearly $68 million to help stimulate a new generation of sustainable and livable communities that connect housing, employment and economic development with transportation and other infrastructure improvements. The joint HUD-DOT funding will support 62 local and regional partnerships seeking to create a more holistic and integrated approach to connecting affordable housing, job opportunities and transportation corridors.
Article courtesy of Smart Growth

Cross Country Bicycle Network

The U.S. Bicycle Route System is a new project that will connect many of the existing (and envisioned) bicycle routes around the country into an official, national network of cycling routes, linked coast-to-coast across state lines. The project was endorsed by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood.
Article courtesy of Smart Growth Network

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

DOT- Much More Than Roads and Bridges

Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood stated in a Grist Magazine interview that “once politicians begin to listen to their constituents, they will realize a sustainable course is what voters want. They will find constituents way ahead on livability and sustainability, on having cleaner, greener communities, on having walking and biking paths, on having streetcar systems.”
Article courtesy of Smart Growth Network

Smart Mobility for a 21st Century America

A new report on smarter transportation proposes how existing and emerging technologies can squeeze more capacity from over-burdened highways, help commuters avoid traffic delays, and expand and improve transportation options, all while saving money and creating jobs. Many of these smart transportation solutions are already fueling innovation throughout the country. The report proposes that establishing national targets for reducing congestion and emissions through programmatic changes and funding incentives would accelerate the development and implementation of new technologies.   


Article courtesy of Smart Growth Network

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Single stream recycling comes to Cambridge

Recycling has gotten a whole lot simpler in Cambridge. Cambridge is the latest city to switch to single stream recycling. Cambridge residents can now throw all of their recyclables (glass, plastic, metals, paper, and cardboard) in one bin. The recycling plant in Charlestown will sort the products through a series of magnets, rotators, eddy currents, and optical scanners. Residents have also been given new larger bins with wheels (toters) to hold their recycling.

The new recycling trucks can compact the material, so they can now accept cardboard (no need to cut it up anymore), empty pizza boxes, empty paper coffee cups, large plastic items, and spiral cans (such as a Pringles can). The city expects the new, simpler program to increase recycling rates from 25% to at least 35%. Medford will begin single stream recycling on November 1st.

Watch this short animation from RecycleBank to see how it works

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe Posted by Dara Olmsted, The Green Blog


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"Planning our communities smarter means parents will spend less time driving and more time with their children; more families will live in safe, stable communities near good schools and jobs; and more businesses will have access to the capital and talent they need to grow and prosper."
– Shaun Donovan, HUD Secretary

Article courtesy of The Smart Growth Network

Backyard Cottages Address Housing Need

Many parts of Seattle are now allowing backyard cottages in residentially zoned neighborhoods. Though the practice is not legal throughout the Puget Sound area, a host of other cities allow it. Backyard cottages allow people to live where they work and play, and have smaller carbon footprints then typical homes. Additionally, structures built on already-developed land increase urban density and generate tax income, making them appealing for many cities.

Article courtesy of The Smart Growth Network

Oregon's First Full-Service Bike Transit Center

The Grand Opening of the Bikestation Hillsboro bike transit center was announced by Mobis Transportation/Bikestation. The new Bikestation facility offers a range of amenities including electronically secure indoor bike parking, showers, restrooms, lockers, a bicycle self-repair stand with tools, and transit information. Bikestation is designed to address the needs of current cyclists and people who would like to bicycle but shy away due to concerns about theft and convenience. The transit center operates on a low-cost membership model and members can use not only the Hillsboro facility, but any Bikestation located across the country.

Article courtesy of The Smart Growth Network

Planning for a New Energy and Climate Future

by: American Planning Association   

Planners have an important role to play in helping communities meet energy needs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adapt to a changing climate. While most planners recognize the significance of these issues, they are still working to translate these imperatives into on-the-ground plans, actions, and regulations. Planning for a New Energy and Climate Future, the culmination of a three-year research and education project on the integration of climate change and energy issues into planning practice, was prepared by APA in collaboration with the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the University of North Carolina Asheville.

The report presents fundamental information about energy and climate change, provides a framework for how to integrate energy and climate into the planning process, and offers strategies for communities to address energy and climate across a variety of issues, including development patterns, transportation, and economic development. Case studies illustrate communities that have already begun taking steps in these areas.   


Article courtesy of the Smart Growth Network


Friday, October 15, 2010

Different views on threat of radon

Radon — an odorless, colorless gas that seeps from uranium in the soil — accounts for more than half of the ionizing radiation most people encounter in their lives. When inhaled, this radioactive gas can set the stage for lung cancer.
Read more;,0,6604216.story
Article courtesy of The Los Angeles Times by Chris Woolston

Green energy field is fertile ground for wild concepts

Spray-on solar panels, power beaming down from outer space and gasoline-like fuel made from bacteria.

Sound far-fetched? Maybe, but these and other futuristic concepts for producing power are being taken seriously in scientific, business and academic circles. Some have even raised millions in funding.
Article courtesy of the Los Angeles Times by Tiffany Hsu

WASHINGTON — Google and a New York financial firm have each agreed to invest heavily in a proposed $5 billion transmission backbone for future offshore wind farms along the Atlantic Seaboard that could ultimately transform the region’s electrical map.The 350-mile underwater spine, which could remove some critical obstacles to wind power development, has stirred excitement among investors, government officials, and environmentalists who have been briefed on it. Article courtesy of The New York Times by Matthew L. Wald

To read more


Stonyfield yogurt uses plant-based packaging

Stonyfield Farm announced today that they will be using plant-based packaging for their multi-pack yogurts. The packaging, made from corn, will replace the petroleum-based plastic that is traditionally used in yogurt cups. The cup will be 93% plant-based; the other 7% will be made out of titanium dioxide (for color) and additives. When the label and lid are included, the entire package is 81% plant-based.

Traditional plastic is made from oil or natural gas. The bio-based packaging is made from polylactic acid (PLA). PLA can be made from a variety of plant products, but in the US, corn is used. The corn is turned into corn starch and then fermented into lactic acid (similar to how yogurt is made). The lactic acid is then made into plastic. Stonyfield hopes to make the plastic out of non-food crops in the future, such as switch grass.

Stonyfield has tried to make the process as environmentally-friendly as possible. Their concern about the prevalence of genetically modified (GMO) corn pushed them to create an offset through the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's Working Landscapes program to pay farmers to grow non-GMO corn using sustainable production standards. A life-cycle assessment of the packaging found that it would reduce Stonyfield's greenhouse gas emissions from packaging by 9%.

Technically, the cups can be recycled, but there are only two facilities in the world that can separate the lid and packaging from the cup, so it is not feasible for the most consumers right now. Most interestingly, Stonyfield found that, "the independent review of PLA’s environmental impact found that composting is not the best option for disposing of the cups, anyway. This is because composting would release back into the atmosphere the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the plant-plastic which was absorbed by the corn when it was growing
Article courtesy of The Boston Globe-Green Blog posted by Dara Olmsted

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More Transit = More Jobs

by: Transportation Equity Network   

What would happen if 20 metropolitan areas shifted 50 percent of their highway funds to transit? They would generate 1,123,674 new transit jobs over a five-year period — for a net gain of 180,150 jobs over five years — without a single dollar of new spending.

That's the finding of the Transportation Equity Network's new study, More Transit = More Jobs.

First, it's important to look at how much cities currently spend on public transit. As a percentage of total transit spending, the top five cities are:
1. New York, NY
2. Honolulu, HI
3. Portland, OR
4. Philadelphia, PA
5. Kalamazoo, MI

The five cities that spend the least on public transit are:
1. Minneapolis, MN
2. Boston, MA
3. Atlanta, GA
4. Denver, CO
5. St. Louis, MO

Article courtesy of smart Growth Online



Low Supply of Workforce Housing Persists in Employment Hubs Throughout Boston

Housing that is close to major employment centers remains unaffordable to a large portion of workers in the Boston metropolitan area, despite the decline in home prices that occurred in many parts of the region during the recession. This is the conclusion of new research published by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing. In Priced Out: Persistence of the Workforce Housing Gap in the Boston Metro Area, researchers examine the availability of for-sale and rental housing near six major employment hubs in the Boston area, specifically in terms of housing that is affordable to workforce households. The study found that there is currently a shortage of about 25,000 housing units affordable to workforce households near each of the six employment centers, with the number expected to increase.

Article courtesy of Smart Growth Online

Monday, September 27, 2010

Storefront environmental museum opening Oct. 1

“e” inc., a Boston-based non profit that promotes environmental science literacy, is opening a storefront museum early next month.

The Learning Room will be a warehouse space to teach students – and the general public – about the science of sustainability with the goal of sparking community action in urban communities.

The group already works with more than 800 students in after school and summer programs.

The storefront museum is designed to teach environmental science to children, youth and families, inspire civic leadership, and train teachers and adults to create and carry out projects to help the environment.

The free opening is on Friday, October 1, from 4 to 6 p.m. at “e” inc.’s headquarters at 337 Summer Street. Afterward, a visit will cost $5 per child for the public and schools will pay a fee for field trips.

“Our aim is to reach every child, teen and family in the Greater Boston area and help them learn about how the Earth works and what they can do to protect it,’’ said “e” inc. director Ricky Stern. “The room is really such a wonderful opportunity for kids to really try things and ideas on and see how they are made or related -- we have them go outside and unroll a 100 foot rope just to see how huge a blue whale is.’’

Article courtesy of Boston.Com The Green Blog Posted by Beth Daley


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"America's cities can be the engines of green innovation, leading the way in new technologies, energy efficiency and sustainable development." –Lisa P. Jackson, U.S. EPA


Article courtesy of Smart Growth (

HUD Announces Additional $1 Billion to Stabilize Neighborhoods Hard-Hit by Foreclosures

U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan has awarded an additional $1 billion in funding to all states, along with a number of counties and local communities struggling to reverse the effects of the foreclosure crisis. The grants represent a third round of funding through HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) and will provide targeted emergency assistance to state and local governments to acquire, redevelop or demolish foreclosed properties


Article Courtesy of Smart Growth (

EPA Picks Five Capital Cities to Create Models of Green Design

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has committed to help the capital cities of five states pursue high-quality green development that includes cleaning up and recycling vacant lands, providing greater housing and transportation choices, and reducing infrastructure and energy costs. Through its new Greening America's Capitals program, EPA will fund private-sector experts to provide sustainable design assistance to Boston, Mass.; Jefferson City, Mo.; Hartford, Conn.; Charleston, W.Va.; and Little Rock, Ark.

Article courtesy of the Smart Growth Network

Friday, September 17, 2010

Green Your Bicycle: Get Comfortable

Let's ride! Pedal power is airy, sweaty, liberating – and exhaust-free. This week's tips are about how to make your bicycle even greener.

The more comfortable your bike, the more often you'll trade engine for pedals.

  • Choose a bicycle frame that's your size. When riding, you should feel neither scrunched nor overextended.
  • For hilly commutes, get a bike with at least 10 gears.
  • Raise your saddle to reduce pressure on the knees.
  • Look for a saddle that distributes your weight to your sitting bones, not your cheeks. Women, choose wider seats to accommodate your wider hips.
  • Attach fenders to protect from mud splatters.
  • Install a handlebar cup holder for your caffeine fix.

Article courtesy of The Green Life (


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Green Your Bicycle: Accessorize Thoughtfully

Let's ride! Pedal power is airy, sweaty, liberating – and exhaust-free. This week's tips are about how to make your bicycle even greener.

Every bike needs the bling to make the ride smoother and safer. Here are some ways to make your accessories eco-friendly: 

Article courtesy of The Green Life (


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

T's Route 28 ride isn't so smooth

New hybrid vehicles haven’t quelled discontent with transit service


When the MBTA recently rolled out 25 new hybrid gas-electric buses on Route 28, the agency said they would make commuting easier for riders in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan, where residents have long clamored for quicker, easier rides to points across the city. The 60-foot buses were billed as quieter, safer, and more fuel efficient. Plus, they can pack on more people.

Read more:


Tropical Store Julia Forms Behind Major Hurricane Igor, but Karl May Do the Most Damage

Hurricane Igor, is not expected to make landfall imminently, while a new tropical depression, which would be named Igor if it reaches tropical storm strength, has more potential to do damage in the Caribbean and beyond.

Update Sept. 13: Hurricane Igor, now a major category 4 hurricane, is barreling through the Atlantic, with Tropical Storm Julia on its heels. Neither, however, poses any imminent danger to land. An as-yet unnamed tropical depression, which could become Tropical Storm Karl, has more potential for doing damage, as it forms in the Caribbean.

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Article courtesy of The Daily Green by Dan Shapley


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Green Your Hotel Stay: Monitor the Thermostat

Vacations can be wonderful -- but some check out of their eco-values as soon as they check into a hotel. Whether your shelter for the night is a Ritz-Carlton or a Motel 6, this week’s tips should help you keep your hotel stay green.

Many hotels keep their guestrooms so frigid that entering them feels like stepping onto the tundra. To prevent some of this energy waste, readjust the thermostat as soon as you take ownership of your room. The DOE and Energy Star suggest setting air-conditioning temps to no lower than 78 degrees when you're there, and higher when you’re sleeping or out. (While you’re at it, turn off every light whenever you leave your room.)

Article courtesy of The Green Life (

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Coast Guard Responding to Oil Rig Explosion South of Vermilion Bay


ABC26 News has confirmed that the Coast Guard is responding to an oil rig explosion south of Vermilion Bay.

The U.S. Coast Guard office in Port Arthur, Texas, tells ABC26 News that an explosion was reported on the Vermillion 380 rig, operated by Mariner Energy, at about 9:30 Thursday morning by a commercial helicopter company.

The Coast Guard said initial reports indicated all 13 crew members from the rig were in the water. There were no deaths, but one of the workers was injured, and all workers are being taken to Terrebonne General Medical Center in Houma for medical examinations.

Read more:,0,7240612.story

China coal trucks stuck in 120 km traffic jam

BEIJING | Thu Sep 2, 2010 1:22am EDT

BEIJING (Reuters) - More than 10,000 trucks mainly carrying coal are stuck in a 120 km (75 mile) traffic jam in the northeastern Chinese region of Inner Mongolia, in the latest dramatic snarl-up on the country's roads.

Read More:

Article courtesy of Reuters Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Chris Lewis and Sanjeev Migiani


No Impact Week: Food

No Impact Man, a.k.a. Colin Beavan, took a yearlong vow to live a zero-waste lifestyle in New York City. The experiment inspired a blog, a book, a film -- and others to embrace green habits. This week's tips will help you try a one-week carbon cleanse. Sign up here to share the results of your own No Impact Project.

Tip #3: Eat Locally and Seasonally

By making just a few dietary changes, you can lower your carbon "foodprint." Avoid packaged, processed foods and opt instead for locally grown, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Raising livestock for food is responsible for more emissions than all modes of transportation combined, so try substituting vegetarian or vegan dishes when you might otherwise have eaten meat.

Article courtesy of The Green Life (


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


"We know that high-speed rail is the new frontier."
--Beth Osborne, U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Assistant Secretary


Article courtesy of Smart Growth

If Cities Focus on Walkable Communities, Economic Development Will Follow

With a third of metro area populations eager for pedestrian-friendly settings, a key path out of the recession leads through urban infill and walkable mixed-use redevelopment of car-dependent suburban malls and strips. Meeting that pent-up market demand will take a generation, said Christopher Leinberger with the Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program. Speaking at the fifth annual Louisiana Smart Growth Summit, Leinberger advised cities to combine transportation and affordable housing strategies to ensure the viability of walkable neighborhoods. ''Plan for your walkable future. Economic development will follow," he said.

Article courtesy of Smart Growth News

Friday, August 20, 2010

Woods Hole says oil trapped deep, degrading very slowly

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution researchers have mapped a snaking, 22-mile-long underwater oil plume from the BP PLC well in the Gulf of Mexico, work they say provides strong evidence that oil from the disaster could remain trapped deep in the ocean for a prolonged period.   Read more:

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe by Beth Daley

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Frack Attack

Hydrofracturing ("fracking," for short) is a brute force way to extract natural gas. It's so lucrative (and potentially dangerous) that Dick Cheney made sure it was exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act. Unfortunately, public safety and environmental concerns about fracking have been swept aside with disastrous results. Where have we seen this before?


Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune writes about the dangers of letting yet another energy industry run amok -- and what the Sierra Club is doing about it. 


Article courtesy of the Sierra Club Insider

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mangrove forests in worldwide decline

Gland, Switzerland / Washington, DC - More than one in six mangrove species worldwide are in danger of extinction due to coastal development and other factors, including climate change, logging, and agriculture, according to the first-ever global assessment on the conservation status of mangroves for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™.
Mangrove forests grow where saltwater meets the shore in tropical and subtropical regions, thus serving as an interface between terrestrial, fresh-water and marine ecosystems. These forests provide at least $1.6 billion each year in ecosystem services.
Article courtesy of  Conservation International

Monday, July 26, 2010

EZRide Shuttle Changes

Effective August 9, 2010

For Immediate Release and Distribution

CRTMA is pleased to announce the merger of EZRide Shuttle service with MIT’s NorthWest Shuttle, effective with the start of Morning service on Monday, August 9, 2010. The resulting service will be known as EZRide, and MIT will discontinue its Northwest service. EZRide will continue to operate seven (7) buses during the morning and evening peak commute hours, roughly 6:00-11:00 AM and 3:00-8:00 PM, with service every 10 minutes.

New Midday Service:

The new EZRide will include a midday loop between Kendall Square and a western terminus at MIT’s Sidney Pacific housing from approximately 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM, running every 20 minutes. There will be no midday service between Kendall Square and North Station. EZRide midday will be open to the public under the existing EZRide fare structure (free to affiliates of sponsor institutions with pass/ID, or for a cash fare for the general public).

Relocated Kendall Square stops:

Route and stops remain the same between North Station and Kendall Square for the morning and evening peak commute hours, with one significant change. EZRide stops will now be located in front of The MIT Press Building, 292 Main Street (E38) just outside the MBTA Red Line Inbound headhouse. This change will enable EZRide to provide service to MIT Sloan School. Additional Kendall area stops will be at Amherst & Wadsworth Streets, and on Ames St. between Amherst St. and Main St.

For North Station Commuters, the Morning Outbound and Evening Inbound routes remain largely the same:

If you are an EZRide North Station bound passenger, you will board and exit at the same stops as you currently board and exit at both ends of the day, with the exception of the stop relocation and additional stops at Kendall Square.

Morning Inbound and Evening Outbound changed to accommodate NorthWest Shuttle riders:

The Morning Inbound route from Cambridgeport (Erie Street), operates via Pacific St., Albany St., and Vassar St. before reaching Kendall Square. Stops will be made at all MIT Northwest Campus residences, Vassar and Mass. Ave., and the Stata Center (Vassar and Main). The Evening Outbound service will operate from Kendall to Cambridgeport via Memorial Drive, 77 Mass. Ave., Albany St. and Pacific St.

Existing EZRide customers should note that while the outbound schedules will be largely unchanged, inbound service will now depart Cambridgeport (Erie St.), every 10 minutes on the 10's, instead of on the 6’s. Inbound shuttles will depart Kendall Square on the 2's during morning and evening service.
The changes may result in slightly longer rides, or somewhat longer walks to new bus stops, for EZRide and Northwest patrons who currently use either service in the non-peak direction.

If you have any questions or require more information regarding the mergers contact Jim Gascoigne of CRTMA at (617) 324-6119 or

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fishing for pollution in the Atlantic

Researchers from the Sea Education Association have removed tens of thousands of plastic fragments from the Atlantic Ocean over the past six weeks in what many believe is just a small part of a giant collection of debris in the middle of the ocean.

In their search for marine pollution, crew members of the expedition found more than 48,000 plastic fragments, most no larger than a pencil eraser, of the type of plastic used in bags, straws, bottle caps, and other household materials floating throughout the Sargasso Sea, a region in the middle of the North Atlantic extending south and east of Bermuda

Continue reading

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe by Marissa Lang

Monday, July 12, 2010

Solar farm planned for Canton landfill

A solar farm could begin sprouting on about half of the Pine Street landfill as early as this fall. Town Manager Bill Friel said negotiations are moving along well on a long-term lease and power purchase agreement with Virgo Energy of California and Southern Sky Renewable Energy for the town-owned capped landfill.
Article courtesy of The Boston Globe by E. Cushman Carroll

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Massive oil-skimmer latest weapon in fight

NEW ORLEANS — With hurricane-whipped waves pushing more oil onto the Gulf of Mexico’s once-white beaches, the government pinned its latest cleanup hopes yesterday on a huge new piece of equipment: the world’s largest oil-skimming vessel.

The Taiwanese-flagged former tanker named A Whale is the length of 3 1/2 football fields and stands 10 stories high. It just emerged from an extensive retrofitting to prepare it specifically for the gulf, where officials hope it will be able to suck up as much as 21 million gallons of oil-fouled water per day

read more

Story courtesy of The Associated Press by Tom Breen and Jay Reeves


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Report details efforts to prevent isotope from reaching Vt. water supplies

VERNON, Vt. — After pumping out 130,000 gallons of contaminated groundwater, removing 240 cubic feet of tainted soil, and spending about $10 million responding to a leak of radioactive tritium, Vermont Yankee officials said yesterday it will be at least three months before the cleanup is complete.

But they say that there is no evidence the isotope made it into drinking water supplies and that samples of water from the neighboring Connecticut River continue to show no detectable tritium levels. Continue story

Article courtesy of Associated Press by John Curran

Climate change panel taps experts in more fields

GENEVA — The UN science body on climate change, accused of ignoring its critics and allowing glaring errors to creep into its work, announced yesterday that a broader range of experts will write its next report on global warming.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change includes more women and scientists from developing countries, as well as authors with a wider range of backgrounds than previously — partly in response to recent criticism that earlier groups refused to address dissenting views.  Read more

Article courtesy of  Associated Press by Frank Jordans




BP reattaches dislodged containment cap

A temporary setback causes more leakage

BP’s effort to contain the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico suffered another setback yesterday when a discharge of liquid and gases forced the company to remove the containment cap that for three weeks had been able to capture much of the oil gushing from its damaged well.

Admiral Thad W. Allen of the Coast Guard, at a briefing in Washington, said a remote-controlled submersible operating a mile beneath the surface had most likely bumped a vent and compromised the system. Live video from the sea floor showed oil and gas coursing from the well unrestricted.

By evening, the cap appeared to be back on, nestled in place on the eighth try after about 90 minutes of effort. Live video showed remote-controlled submersibles frequently moving hoses out of the way so that the cap could be lowered over the spewing oil.

 Read more

Courtesy of The Boston Globe by Liz Robbins New York Times


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Biking and Walking increase...

Today, the Federal Highway Administration is releasing "The National Biking and Walking Study: a 15-year Status Report." This study, by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, discusses trends and outcomes in bicycling and walking since 1994. I think the news is pretty good.


Green Teen Week: Tune Your Tech

Most teens love having the latest gizmos, so if it's absolutely necessary to buy a new iPod, camera, or cell phone, consider environmentally preferable options and products that contain fewer toxic elements, are energy-efficient, or use recycled materials to encourage manufacturers to design green. As for the stuff you're replacing, be sure to donate or recycle it. Used computers that still work can be given to families or schools that couldn't otherwise afford them, which would also prevent more e-waste from heading to the landfill. 
Article courtesy of The Green Life (

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

MassDOT Will Promote Smart Growth and Complete Streets to Reduce Carbon Footprint

Building upon the state's Global Warming Solutions Act, the Project Development and Design Guide, and similar legislative measures, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) launched a comprehensive GreenDOT "environmental responsibility and sustainability initiative'' to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote walking, biking and transit, and support smart growth.

Smart Growth Sharpens Focus on Multi-Use Urban Parks

As the smart growth movement matures and applies the economic, social and environmental lessons of development patterns since the 1950s, it makes the significance of public parks and green spaces increasingly clear, according to National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Chief of Public Policy Richard J. Dolesh. John Frece, Director of EPA's Office of Smart Growth, agrees. ''EPA has always considered the creation of high-quality parks as essential to creation of livable, sustainable communities,'' said Frece, pointing out that a park provides ''an essential oasis in a busy, dense, urban environment'' and ''true environmental benefits that are beyond natural beauty.'' With EPA, HUD and DOT working through their Partnership for Sustainable Communities since June 2009 ''to inspire communities to do a better job'' in planning for sustainability goals, Frece said, ''It is logical that parks be an integral part of the next steps to achieve these goals.''

Article courtesy of Smart Growth

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On the trail of deep-sea oil

STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. — The deep-sea photos on Vernon Asper’s laptop don’t look like much to the untrained eye: black squares with flecks of white and orange. But, he says, pressing a fingertip beneath one barely-there dot, that sure looks like oil to him.

Asper, a professor of marine science at the University of Southern Mississippi, will know more once he finishes analyzing data being collected by a deep-diving vessel built by iRobot Corp. in Bedford. The torpedo-shaped vessel, Seaglider 515, and several other seafaring robots are sliding through the Gulf of Mexico, assessing the oil in the water after a rig explosion off the Louisiana coast created a gusher that has turned into the nation’s worst environmental disaster.

Scientists will use the information gathered by the underwater gliders to map the oil swirling hundreds and thousands of feet beneath the ocean’s surface, and that will help them figure out how the oil is moving and where it might appear next. The information, collected with onboard sensors, is critical so cleanup crews can buffer the coast and know where to look for harmed wildlife. Government officials and researchers estimate that as much as 40,000 barrels of oil a day may have been leaking from the blown-out well drilled for BP, making it much bigger than the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989.


Article courtesy of The Boston Globe By Erin Ailworth



Monday, June 14, 2010

Driving green

Buying green is just the first step in reducing the environmental impacts of automobile use. Your choice of vehicle is most important, but how you drive and how well you maintain your car, van, or light truck will also make a difference.

  • Avoid "jack rabbit" starts and aggressive driving. Flooring the gas pedal not only wastes gas, it leads to drastically higher pollution rates. One second of high-powered driving can produce nearly the same volume of carbon monoxide emissions as a half hour of normal driving.
  • Think ahead. Try to anticipate stops and let your vehicle coast down as much as possible. Avoid the increased pollution, wasted gas, and wear on your brakes created by accelerating hard and braking hard.
  • Follow the speed limit! Driving 75 mph instead of 65 mph will lower your fuel economy by about 10 percent, and can dramatically increase tailpipe pollution in many vehicles.
  • When possible, plan your trips to avoid rush hour. Stop-and-go driving burns gas and increases emissions of smog-forming pollutants.
  • Combine trips. Warmed-up engines and catalysts generate much less air pollution, so combining several short trips into one can make a big difference.
  • Take a load off. Carrying around an extra 100 pounds reduces fuel economy by about 1 percent. Take a few moments to unload your cargo area.
  • If your vehicle has it, use overdrive gear at cruising speeds. When driving a manual transmission, shift up as soon as possible. Running in a higher gear decreases the rpm and will decrease fuel use and engine wear.
  • Try using the vents and opening windows to cool off before you turn on the air conditioner. Air conditioner use increases fuel consumption, increases NOx emissions in some vehicles, and involves environmentally damaging fluids.
  • Unlike many older cars and trucks, modern vehicles don't need to warm up and they have automatic chokes, so you don't need to step on the gas pedal before starting the engine.
Article courtesy of

Climate change concerns warm up

The number of Americans who believe that global warming is happening – and are concerned about it – are on the rise, according to a new national survey by researchers at Yale and George Mason Universities.

Since January, public belief that global warming is happening rose four points, to 61 percent, while belief that it is caused mostly by human activities rose three points, to 50 percent. The number of Americans who worry about global warming rose three points, to 53 percent. And the number of Americans who said that the issue is personally important to them rose five points, to 63 percent.

“The stabilization and slight rebound in public opinion is occurring amid signs the economy is starting to recover, along with consumer confidence, and as memories of unusual snowstorms and scientific scandals recede,” said Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication. “The BP oil disaster is also reminding the public of the dark side of dependence on fossil fuels, which may be increasing support for clean energy policies.”

Earlier this year, polls showed public confidence in global warming science was eroding. See here:

The poll also shows that Americans who said President Obama and Congress should make developing sources of clean energy a high priority increased 11 points, to 71 percent, while those who said that global warming should be a high priority rose six points, to 44 percent. In a seven-point increase since January, 69 percent of Americans said that the United States should make a large or medium effort to reduce global warming even if it incurs large or moderate economic costs.

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe -Green Blog-by Beth Daley

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gore cites savings from action on climate

MANILA — Poorer countries that have borne the brunt of climate change’s effects will save, not lose, money by putting in place ways to rescue the environment, Al Gore said yesterday.

The former US vice president spoke to a forum in Manila in one of his first public engagements since he and his wife, Tipper, announced they had separated after 40 years of marriage. He would not answer audience questions about it, and reporters did not have an opportunity for interviews.

In the lecture focused on Asia, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate blamed global warming for droughts and frequent, more destructive typhoons, including those that have left millions homeless in India, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Vietnam over the last several years.

“When there are lots of them, much more frequently and they are bigger on average, how can we connect those dots?’’ he asked. “How long will it take us as a civilization to connect those dots in a way that causes us to demand that our political leaders and political systems react?’’

Gore said proposals to store carbon dioxide in the ground are expensive, and the best way to trap it is in plants. He added that China is a leader in this area, planting more trees than any other country.

Article courtesy of The Associated Press/ The Boston Globe


Greener Transportation for Massachusetts

Significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions is challenging for any state agency, but for the one in charge of creating and maintaining the infrastructure for driving, it’s bound to be even harder.

But now, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation has promised – and is legally obligated – to reduce emissions over two million tons by 2020. Read that another way: If left unchecked, 2020 transportation emissions would increase by some 19 percent over 1990 levels. The newly announced targets, called GreenDOT, would lower emissions 7.3 percent below 1990 levels, or almost 30 percent below the unchecked prediction.

The agency is also redoubling efforts to encourage more walking, biking and public transportation riding and smart growth development.

“In the coming years, we will see the results in smarter growth, cleaner vehicles, and jobs devoted to building a lower carbon transportation system,’’ said Gov. Deval Patrick.

bb.jpgThe agency will get the greenhouse gas reductions in part by balancing highway system expansion projects with those that reduce emissions. Examples? More public transportation projects, street design that includes lanes for bicycles and more efficient fleet vehicles.

GreenDOT was designed as an adjunct to several existing state laws and policies such as the 2009 Transportation Reform Law that created the agency; the Global Warming Solutions Act and MassDOT’s Complete Streets design approach that calls for appropriate accommodation for all types of transportation users.

“GreenDOT helps realize the Governor’s vision for transportation reform by refocusing our transportation system on combating climate change by investing in healthier transportation options and building communities that support all transportation users,’’ said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Jeffrey B. Mullan.

Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles said the GreenDOT effort will help create and maintain green jobs. Already, he said the state is home to companies that work in the arena, such as A123Systems, which manufactures batteries for hybrid buses, and ZipCar, the car sharing service.

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe-The Green Blog-Posted by Beth Daley

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cambridge Road Closures Update

June 3rd, June 4th, & June 5th

Road closure on Plympton St and Dewolfe St near Harvard for Cambridge River Festival.


No MIT graduation road closures.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spill may cut into N.E. bluefin catch

Oil could harm spawning sites

OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss. — The fate of one of New England’s most prized fish may be unfolding more than a thousand miles away in the Gulf of Mexico.

Bluefin tuna — so desired by sushi devotees that a single giant fish fetches thousands of dollars — are believed to spawn off the United States only in the Gulf and mostly during April and May. This year, both coincided with the worst oil spill in the nation’s history.

As oil gushes up from the seabed and spreads, scientists are studying whether bluefin larvae the size of a pencil tip will survive the leak. The answer could have important consequences for New England, where many of the tuna migrate each year and where bluefin fishing season opened yesterday.

“I suspect the larvae and eggs won’t be able to escape if they [encounter] oil,’’ said Jim Franks, senior scientist at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Gulf Coast Research Laboratory. To read more

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe by Beth Daley-Globe Staff

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summerize Your Home: Keep it Cool

Here comes the sun! Solstice is mere weeks away, so to help you make the living easy – and green – this week’s tips are about how to prepare your home for summer.

Without A/C, that is. How? First, seal and caulk to prevent heat from seeping in through
leaky doors and windows. (If you weatherized for winter, you’re set.) Then, move the air as much as possible. You can do this with a ceiling fan (make sure it’s rotating counterclockwise), by carrying a personal fan, or, if there’s even a slight breeze outside, cracking the windows on the house’s windward side just a tad, and on the other side of your home, opening the windows wider; this should create a stronger draft. 

If you simply must turn on the
air conditioner, make sure your unit’s filter is clean and get the refrigerant level checked – if it’s low, you may be wasting 20% of the system’s energy.
Article courtesy of The Green LIfe (