Thursday, November 20, 2008

President-Elect Obama calls for urgent fix to global climate change

At the Governor's Climate Change Summit in Los Angeles this week, President-Elect Obama made strong statements about the global climate changes affecting the world.

"Few challenges facing America–and the world–are more urgent than combating climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking. We've seen record drought, spreading famine, and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season," Obama said at the summit.

As if that statement weren't enough, Obama had some other things to say that left little doubt whether he will push environmental policy changes during his presidency. Among them:
  • "My presidency will mark a new chapter in America's leadership on climate change that will strengthen our security and create millions of new jobs in the process.
  • "Climate change and our dependence on foreign oil, if left unaddressed, will continue to weaken our economy and threaten our national security.”
The Daily Green has an opinion piece responding to what Obama said, if you are interested.