Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lobster-shell golf balls may revive cruise ship pastime

University of Maine researchers want to drive the state’s lobsters back to sea — with a 3-iron.

An engineer, a scientist, a student, and an alumna have teamed up to develop a biodegradable golf ball from crushed lobster shells that could be used on cruise ships.

Inexpensive to make, the ball is designed to sink and degrade within weeks, depending on the ocean’s depth and temperature. The balls would degrade in a similar time frame in fresh water — and break down if lost in the woods, although that would take longer.

Read more: http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/green/articles/2011/04/25/lobster_shell_golf_balls_may_revive_cruise_ship_pastime/

Article courtesy of The Boston Globe -Green Blog by Beth Daley